Do you realise that the prophets of old almost always carried "bad news"? Judgment against Syria and Moab and Samaria and also Israel and Judah?
Some christians are averse to such because they believe Christianity is not to be associated with such ' doomsday seers' .
But that's exactly what we need. A doomsday is coming. Some refer to it as the day of the Lord, others as the great judgement day. It is a day when God will reward the righteous (not the good, I'll tell you the difference) and punish sin wherever and in whatever way it may be found.
Any pastor or privileged teacher that tells the church that they can live in sin in the name of ' new found liberty' is not only placing them in trouble, but also placing himself in trouble as well, because if they fall based on what you have told them (though part of it may be their fault- the exception to me being children and maybe some other few), part of the punishment will be on you. If you couldn't pay the price for your own sin, what makes you think you can handle their's?
Speak the truth. Judgement is coming, and it is coming on the house of God. Some .Christians don't know we will be judged, but when the bible mentions》 'it is appointed unto man to die, and then judgement '(Heb 9:27) and ' we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ' (2 cor 5:10) and ' we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ' (Rom 14:10) it was written to the Christian church and not to pagans.
Judgement is coming. We should not sugar coat it, and we should prepare.
Now as to the difference between a good person and a righteous one, a good person bases his status on the things he does, but a righteous person bases it on his everyday relationship with Jesus Christ.
As we study God's word, may his Holy Spirit grant us understanding in Jesus name.
Some christians are averse to such because they believe Christianity is not to be associated with such ' doomsday seers' .
But that's exactly what we need. A doomsday is coming. Some refer to it as the day of the Lord, others as the great judgement day. It is a day when God will reward the righteous (not the good, I'll tell you the difference) and punish sin wherever and in whatever way it may be found.
Any pastor or privileged teacher that tells the church that they can live in sin in the name of ' new found liberty' is not only placing them in trouble, but also placing himself in trouble as well, because if they fall based on what you have told them (though part of it may be their fault- the exception to me being children and maybe some other few), part of the punishment will be on you. If you couldn't pay the price for your own sin, what makes you think you can handle their's?
Speak the truth. Judgement is coming, and it is coming on the house of God. Some .Christians don't know we will be judged, but when the bible mentions》 'it is appointed unto man to die, and then judgement '(Heb 9:27) and ' we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ' (2 cor 5:10) and ' we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ' (Rom 14:10) it was written to the Christian church and not to pagans.
Judgement is coming. We should not sugar coat it, and we should prepare.
Now as to the difference between a good person and a righteous one, a good person bases his status on the things he does, but a righteous person bases it on his everyday relationship with Jesus Christ.
As we study God's word, may his Holy Spirit grant us understanding in Jesus name.
posted from Bloggeroid