Saturday, 26 January 2013


Nuclear weapons overshadow human rights in North Korea.

Earlier this week, the UN Security Council condemned North Korea for test-firing a missile in December, but instead of repenting, It tightened its sanctions on the country, and in a belligerent response, North Korea vowed to keep developing its nuclear program.

Also, concerning persecution of Christians, Topping the Open Doors World Watch List for 11 years in a row, North Korea is the worst oppressor of Christians in the world. Leader Kim Jong-un isn't changing anything.

Christians, we need to pray for our fellow brethren, asJust four days ago, Open Doors alerted the world to two deaths of North Korean believers at the hands of the government.

Of the 200,000 political prisoners in North Korea's death camps (commonly known as gulags), 40,000 to 70,000 are followers of Christ. Pray for their faith to be strengthened, and pray for the Kim regime.

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