Friday, 7 June 2013


1Th 4:16  There will be the shout of command, the archangel's voice, the sound of God's trumpet, and the Lord himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first;
1Th 4:17  then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.
1Th 4:18  So then, encourage one another with these words.
Each time  I see these verses, I am strangely comforted, and I am glad am comforted and not nervous, at least it means I still have a chance. However, each day, I strive to live in a way that will please God, but sadly, I dont remember all the time. Being a christian is a conscious effort. Even though God will give you a spirit that will make handling sin easier, that doesnt make sin any less dangerous. Avoid it, because it annoys God more than anything else. If you want to know just how much, read the books of the judgements in the old testament. After all, sin was what ruined the order of things in the Spirit and made God start thinking of how he was going to come in the person of his Son to die for us. All that work. As a Christian, never take the issue of sin or living righteously with a light hand. But dont be afraid. He who has started a good work in you will finish it. Phil 1:6. Amen
Then we enter chapter five of  1 Thess. Note verses three and four. They were not written for a joke. also, vs 9 and 10.
1Th 5:9  God did not choose us to suffer his anger, but to possess salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
1Th 5:10  who died for us in order that we might live together with him, whether we are alive or dead when he comes.
Encourage one another with these words.
2Th 1:6  God will do what is right: he will bring suffering on those who make you suffer,
2Th 1:7  and he will give relief to you who suffer and to us as well. He will do this when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven with his mighty angels,
2Th 1:8  with a flaming fire, to punish those who reject God and who do not obey the Good News about our Lord Jesus.

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