Thursday, 19 March 2015

Redemption's Song

I haven't written poems in a while, but God gave me the inspiration for this. Be blessed as you read.

                            "Redemption's song"

In perfection one was made, two existed in the glade
By the twisted serpent's verse, one deceived, both bore the curse
Sword of light to guard the tree, from the man who once was free
Man were they of Life's full breath, man were they who tasted death
Poison fruit of sin matured, birthing death in time assured
So corrupted was man's race, no way to the throne of grace
And man couldn’t pay the cost, to regain paradise lost

To redeem this worldly clan, Son of God turned Son of Man
And resisting Satan's pull, drank the cup of wrath to full
Now a man, was once the Lord, Jesus Christ the Son of God
Three days in Gehnenna's tower, broke the bands with fiercest power
Through the death of the Just One, life could be found in the Son
And man who in death was shorn, in the Son could be reborn
But some eyes still remain closed, but some lie in state reposed
Some have heard with ears shut tight, some see nothing in the light
To deliver, we must care, we must not be slaves to fear
"Veritas must be our creed, In their hearts we plant the seed
That light may in darkness bloom, Son-light in shadows of doom
Those whose eyes and ears were closed, to them truth will be exposed
So those blind may once more see, so those capive may be free


  1. Christ died that we may be saved

  2. Reminds me of a book I read long ago...

  3. I love this so much. I think it's very beautiful and insightful. Thumbs up, friend :) but I think you'll need to edit a few parts like the last line.

    1. Yeah, I think the last line was supposed to say captive not capive. Thanks, and God bless you
