Saturday, 1 February 2014


People suffer from spiritual anorexia. They take a look at themselves in the spiritual mirror, and feel they have 'arrived', or are even too good. They no longer compare themselves to who God wants them to be, but to their own perception of how they feel they should look like. And so they begin to starve. Not noticably in the first few days, but after a while, it could become almost fatal. The sad thing however about a person with anorexia is that whenever they look at themselves in the mirror, they feel okay, or sometimes even too fat. The only way they can see what is wrong is comparing themselves with somebody else. With a standard.
The Bible says, take heed where you stand, lest you fall. If you do not compare yourself with the standards of God's word, very often(I mean VERY often), you will begin to lose spiritual weight badly. And on that day, when the scale is brought forth and you are weighed, God forbid that you be found wanting.

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