Saturday, 1 February 2014

Just a Handfull....

I was studying the bible recently with my family members, and we stumbled across something quite frightening. During the time of Noah, when God was angry with the world and wanted to destroy it, out of everyone on the planet, the only person that pleased him was Noah. (Gen 6)
Also, when he rescued the Israelites out of Egypt, out of the more than half a million people that came out in a generation, only two made it to the promised land- Joshua and Caleb.  (1 Corinthians 10)
Also, when Elijah wanted God to kill him, and he told God that in the entire country of Israel, he felt he was the only one who still served God, and God replied that he had kept for himself a remnant of about 7000 people in an entire generation. (1 Kings 19, especially vs 18)
In the book of Ezekiel, when God wanted to destroy the people of Israel for sinning against him, he told Ezekiel to divide the hairs in his hand (which represented toe population of Israel) into three places, and from one of these places remove just a few strands. Then he made Ezekiel destroy the three divisions minus the strands he had separated, then destroy a few more from the strands he had separated out. (Ezekiel 5)
Now, the Bible says that these things are written for our examples. The end of all things approaches, and as we have seen, God never goes for the majority. Watch yourself as a Christian. If your 'Christianity" is one which is majorly accepted, then you have most likely got it wrong. If people have not started seeing you as a mad man yet, you have not started. The bible says that one should take heed where  he stands, else you will fall (1 Cor 10:12) . Never base how good your Christian life is on the opinion of the general populace, even if it is the general church. In the end, the general church will not judge you, but God will.
If you have noticed, even the sermons being preached in the general church nowadays is mostly heresy or lies, and we are either too ignorant or too afraid to speak out against it.
God has given us the means and the courage to do what is right, but base your right living on his word and his word alone, and not on what the majority says, because according to the words of Jesus Christ himself, "Many will be called, but only a handful will be chosen...

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